North London family photographers

Children's photographer | Springtime

Children's photographer

Spring is the air and it's a perfect time of year for children's portraits! I love to schedule my sessions with children (especially those under the age of 3) early in the morning when they are fresh and enthusiastic about running around outdoors - and the light is at it's best. This photo shoot in North London took place at 8am on the outskirts of Hampstead Heath. The woods were full of sparkling spring sunshine and new green leafy shoots which made a gorgeous backdrop. We played with bubbles and the swings at the playground, as well as hide and seek and throwing a toy dinosaur in the air - whatever it takes for natural smiles and engagement! With two year olds my clients often worry about their little ones being a bit grizzly and not in the mood for photos - but this is all part and parcel of a session and frankly I don't expect to spend an hour with a toddler without some sort of meltdown - I am well used to these! 

Family photos for the home

This particular photo shoot was commissioned to create some beautiful child portraits which could be printed as a collection of fine art acrylics to be hung in the new family home. There is nothing quite like seeing professional photographs as large prints; the level of detail and clarity is stunning. I also offer a design service, using simple photos of my clients' wall spaces in order to create bespoke collections of prints to scale, and for my clients to review before ordering. 

Outdoor portrait photography

This session went so well that we have another outdoor photoshoot planned with daddy too (although I'm not sure he knows yet!)... we're hoping to time that with the start of the bluebells in early May. Watch this space for those portraits! Also worth noting is that my diary is getting full quite quickly for spring photoshoots - especially at weekends - so do get in touch if you are thinking of a child or family portrait session in your area. 

Outdoor photoshoot London
Child photographers in London
Professional family photos outdoors
London portrait photographers using natural light
North London family photographer
Natural light portraits
Portrait photographer London
Best portrait photographers